Thursday, November 1, 2018

The Best Candidates to replace Roman Reigns as Universal Champion.

As most of you probably already know. Joe Anao'i aka WWE Superstar Roman Reigns announced on Monday Night RAW that he is battling Leukemia and wouldn't be able to continue wrestling and relinquished the Universal Title. 
So November 3rd, 2018 at WWE PPV Crown Jewel. 
Brock Lesnar and Braun Strowman will have match for the Vacant Universal Championship. But with WWE having the most talented roster in a decade, which wrestlers on the RAW brand would make good replacements for Reigns as Universal Champion? I will give my opinion on which wrestler I think are the best and most suitable to be Universal Champion. 

Clear Favorite For Universal Champions.

Braun Strowman.
Strowman has been feuding with Regins the past few months for the Universal Championship. Up until Roman's departure it was scheduled for him to face Lesnar and Reigns in a Triple Threat for the Title at 
Crown Jewel. The only title Braun has held in his WWE Career so far is the RAW Tag Championship. But other accomplishments include Money in the Bank Winner, Worlds Strongest Man 2012, and Most Improved Wrestler of 2017.  Braun is known as the Monster among Men and has definitely been built in the past year as nothing less then a Monster. Destroying several of RAW's top stars in his path of Destruction. Tho he has improved, to me he lacks a little in the mic skills category and still could use more character development. An Mid Card title run and few more feuds with top stars could definitely help in making him more believable of a Champion. For the most part tho, 
I think he could make a good Universal Champion.

Brock Lesnar.
You name it, Brock has accomplished it. UFC Champion, World Champion in several major wrestling promotions, has dominated countless Wrestling legends.
Brock Lesnar is easily the favorite to replace Reigns as Champion. But most fans are tired of seeing Lesnar as Champion due to him not showing up but every few weeks. Brock is also on his way back to the UFC and that will take majority of his time when he does go back. When he does show up he is an amazing champion and beyond dominant. When he wrestles it's like he goes to war. Only the toughest superstars can believable challenge "The Beast". But how much longer will he be competing in the WWE to be the Universal Champion?

Seth Rollins.
Rollins is a grand slam champion in WWE, was in the first universal title match and has been the face of the company before and is more then qualified to be it again. 
Triple H's protege, Rollins has been groomed to be the face of WWE since he walked into the company. Rollins is the current Intercontinental Champion and one half of the RAW Tag Champions. 
So obviously hes championship material. He's one of the top Baby faces of WWE and one of the companies top in ring performers and stellar on the mic. I easily see him being Universal Champion in the near future. 

Dean Ambrose.
Ambrose is another grand slam champion. Was the WWE World Heavy Weight Champion and the face of 
WWE Smackdown Live when the show first began. Since returning from injury he has been more dominant then ever. Coming back as more of powerhouse and having recently turned Heel is great candidate to be 
Universal Champion.
Ambrose has been a great US, Intercontinental, and World Champion in the past. He's had feuds with WWE top stars including Triple H, Brock Lesnar, and AJ Styles. Hes currently one half of the RAW Tag Champions and is in RAW's top feud with Seth Rollins. Ambrose is a great in ring performer and pretty good on the mic as well. He'll easily be a main stay in the company for years to come. With more Character Development, I could see him being one of WWE's top heels. He's proved before he can be a dominant and believable world champion and I see him being one again.

Dark Horses as Universal Champion.

Drew McIntyre.
McIntyre's first run in WWE was very good. When he debuted he was introduced by none other then Vince McMahon himself and was labeled "The Choosen One" and said to be a future world champion. McIntyre has been the face and world champion of several promotions outside of the WWE and is a former NXT, Tag, and Intercontinental Champion within his WWE Career. Since returning Drew has been nothing less then fantastic, being beyond dominant and a great heel. Recently he laid out Braun Strowman which few people has been able to do in the last year. Hes no doubt on his way to the top in WWE and I see him one day being a World Champion.

Finn Balor.
Finn Balor has been a top star all over the world. He is also the first ever Universal Champion. 
I believe he could be the Universal Champ again. 
Finn is one of WWE's best in ring performers and could use a little work on the mic. His image is great and has a great alter personal in his "Demon King" character. Finn Balor is also a top face in WWE and is loved fiercely by the WWE Universe. But in last few months its seemed WWE hasn't been utilizing him the way they could. I'd love to see him have a mid card title run or tag title run. He deserves more then hes gotten as of late. I could see Finn being a great Money in the Bank Winner this year and that could be a great way to put him back in the Universal Title picture. 

Dolph Ziggler.
Dolph is one of WWE's top veterans being with the company almost 15 years now. He held the US, Intercontinental, Tag, and World Title in his career. He has to many accomplishments with company to name and has feuded with the best of the best feuding with wrestlers such as 
Edge, Triple H, and Randy Orton.
He has had the title of being the best seller in the business for years. Hes a top notch in ring performer and great on the mic. Hes had great success as a Face and Heel and is currently one of RAW's top heels. Hes a clear cut main eventer helping several talents get over most recently 
Drew McIntyre. Every wrestler thats going to be a top star in WWE always has a run in with Ziggler. I could see him being Universal Champion one day and is more then deserving of it.

Honorable Mentions. 

Kevin Owens.

Bobby Lashley.

Bray Wyatt.

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